
Palm Coast Milestones
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Palm Coasts' Community  ' Milestones '

Many of the Palm Coasts' 'Community Milestones' are also part of the Federal Trade Commission 'Consent Agreement' C-2854 and Federally ordered 'Compliance Report' with Exhibits A and Exhibits B.  These 'Community Milestones' are referenced in the Federal 'Consent Agreement',  Federally ordered 'Compliance Report' - Exhibits A and Exhibits B, the Palm Coasts' "Newsletters' in the HEADERS of this webpage, and also within the Land Promotion and Advertising in I.T.T.'s 'The Palm Coaster' Magazine sent via the U.S. Postal System Worldwide also in the HEADERS of this Webpage.
Everything is Federally ordered  'Consumer Redress' ordered for US and of course to benefit and be enjoyed by present Palm Coasters and all future Palm Coasters.

Palm Coasts' ' Community Milestones '
Most of these Community Milestones are also a part of the Consumer Redress ordered for us.

Palm Coasts' ' Community Milestones ' Agenda
These 'Milestones' are also some of the Federally ordered 'Consumer REDRESS' ordered for us .

Not all the Pioneers are listed here because some
had second homes, some not participating, etc., i.e. The Haugers, Audrey Bell, etc.,

Not all the Pioneers are listed here because many owned second homes , etc.

October 2011 :
Hilton Garden Inn named Best Hilton Garden Inn in the World.

We will remain Stewards of this Heritage and History hoping for a certified local government like most all other Florida Leadership Cities are; hoping for a Museum like Flagler Beach already has.