It is self-evident that our earth is finite and that our population is growing. In
ever increasing numbers, man must be sheltered, and the shelter, of course, must cover land. Transportation media to and from
the shelter must cover land. Shops and service facilities must cover land. Who will say that land should not be cleared for
at least these purposes, assuming an increase in population?
Proceeding from this starting point, we quickly arrive at
the most sensitive area of environmental turmoil: making certain that when man clears and improves land, he simultaneously
maximizes environmental integrity and maintains ecosystem continuity. thus being the challenges to us at Palm Coast. In our
deliveration on the environment and ecosystems, as will be seen, much consideration has been given to both plant and animal
life. Every attempt has been and shall be made to assure maintenance of al parameters of life cycles. Literature, both scientific
and lay, is full of differing criteria with regard to protection for various plants and animals. In all candor, there is no
way that all the sincere voices can be satisfied.
At Palm Coast, the preponderance of voices will have a city more satisfactory
in the ecological sense than ever before anywhere. Neither perfection nor utopia will result...only the best that our talents,
time, energies and resources can produce. At Palm Coast, given the fact of biological synergism, we do speak for plant life...and
we do speak for animal...but most of all we speak for man.
Dr. J. Norman Young
Page 128
What follows is of necessity an all too brief discussioni of an approach to a new city. The brevity
is unfortunate considering the scores of thousands of words appearing in out technical studies. It is our hope that the reader
will gain at least a few insights into our thinking, our philogophy, our science. We only ask him to keep in mind the alternative
to what we are doing with our land. It, as is certain with land ownership, our land has been sold to independent subdividers,
each of whom built a fifty unit subdivision ( moe than the average builder in the U.S.) there would arise at the very least
5,000 different subdivisions-- unplanned, unintegrated, uncoordinated, and without all our controls.
Such an eventuality would clearly be unacceptable ...typical of the American tragic city-building past.
There is another alternative, to be sure. Do not build at all; but then how would the necessity of shelter be provided for
the expanding population? In a book published recently, Housing Crisis, U.S.A. 1 ) P. Fried estimates that in
a ten year period in the United States in order to replace inadequate housing and build the new housing needed by our expanding
population, some thirty-one million new units are required. We estimate that less than two-thirds of that requirement will
indeed be built. Worse. What happens later? Do we not build at all? One might as well prepare a dirge for America's funeral.
Coast will be neither a "sudden city' nor an 'instant' one but will grow in
accordance with a pre-planned program, no matter whether it flourishes twenty, thirty,
or forty years from now. Palm Coast is a strip of land thirty miles long at its longest, ten miles wide at its widest, covering
approximately 160 square miles. It is a fact that under the controls we will institute, despite its being larger in extent
than Detroit or Philadelphia, it will have a density of say, Beverly Hills, California. But more on this later. Palm Coast
has about six miles of ocean front, approximately twenty miles on the Intracoastal Waterway,
and will have significant man made water areas. Again, these will be reviewed in the main body of the text.
Now to a brief
description of the terrain. Like other areas along the east coast of Florida, the property was formed primarily by sand dunes
that have been build up by the interaction of winds, waves, tidal cycles, and ocean currents. This continued accretion of
land as a repetitive process has caused the creation of lagoons between the new dune and the existing land mass. It is from
these lagoon that the present salt water lagoons and marshlands evolved.
Page 129
The humps and hollows formed by the
repetition of this process have been smoothed over the centuries by erosion and deposition. The resultant ridges and depressed
areas are the primary topographic features of this site, with the ridges generall supporting a xerophyric plant community
and the depressions supporting a "Wet" plant community.
The types of vegetation on the site, include several ecological
plant zones. The MARSH zone contains primarily grasses which are salt-tolerant due to tidal fluctuations and includes salt
marsh grass. Along the MARSH EDGE can be found cabbage palms, southern red cedars, yaupaan, and mangrove. The BEACH SCRUB
and BEACH HARDWOOD zones are further inland and contain live oak, hickory, southern magnolia, and sweet gum. The significant
aspect of these zones is the defensive line of trees protecting the entire area. The UPLAND DEPRESSION zone is between two
ridges or within stream courses, and the marginal areas of these stream courses form the BOTTOMLAND and HARDWOOD zones. These
area contain ash, sweet bay and water oak, mainly in the former zone, and live oak and cabbage palm in the latter. the
CYPRESS classification is not really a zone but a series of irregularly occurring depressions with magnificent cypress trees
as the dominant species. The UPLAND HARDWOOD zone contains both natural pine vegatation and ocmmercial pine plantation.
eleveation on the site varies from sea level to forty feet above sea level. The slope of the land is toward the sea but because
of the ridge lines, the natural drainage moves in a north south direction until it reaches a natural outlet to the sea. Because
of this circuitous route, drainage is naturally slow and remains on the land percolating downward through the sand and shell
deposits recharging the groundwater table below. Given this piece of land we proceed to technical management of our environment
and ecology.
Bio-Physical Environment and Pollution Control
Issues of environment and ecology have captured the interest
of government, industry, and most importantly, the public. Mirroring this concern for environmental quality, Palm Coast has
committed major efforts toward preserving or enhancing the balance of nature in the planning and development of a future
city for 750,000 . people. The issue at hand can be simply stated: is it possible to have environment
and development as complementary, parrallel objectives, or are theymutually antagonistic to each other?
Page 130
many have emplasized the worst effects of urban or suburban land development, and certainly the effects are there, the point
is that multiple land uses can be compatible and often are. It is the excess, promoted by undue short-term
profits, which needs curbing. Aldo Leopold, one of our greatest ecologists, summed it up well: "A land ethic
of course cannot prevent the alteration, management, and use of these resources, (water, plants, wildlife, etc.) but it does
affirm their right to continued existence, and, at least in spots, in a natural state." 2 Ecologists have
long known that nature and change go together spontaneously even in the absence of man. However, rapid and massive changes,
resulting from poorly thought out tampering and natural ecosystems, have altered the course of nature in dramatic ecological
shifts that can be seen everywhere. Contrasting such transformations, men such as Leopold call for controlled, rational change
of natural resource usage, where decision making balances economics with total environmental quality.
Ecology is defined
as the study of the complex inter relationships between all living organisms--including man--and their living and non living
surroundings. Myriad actions and interactions take place continuously as man, plants, and animals respond to variations in
their surroundings and to each other. All these interactions form long chains of reactions that are necessary for the maintenance
of life as we know it on the earth. In this interdependent web of life, small changes are likely to be felt and compensated
for eventually throughout the system.
The ideal basis for decision making in managing the ecology would be a clear image
of the over all structure and function of nature as a system of component parts. Then planners and managers could see the
strands in the web of environmental systems, "weight the tradeoffs of potential environmental harm against the benefits of
construction, look at alternatives, and incorporate environmental safeguards into the basic design of new developments"
3 The safeguards, usually in the forms of technology, should provide that factor of safety whereby materials cannot
accululate where they are not wanted. The overburdened natural processes by man, or sometimes nature, must be anticipated
in advance. In general, natural systems are "closed', meaning that materials are transformed into vegetation , vegetation
into animal life, and the latter returned to the air and soil to be recycled again and again. Waste, on the other hand, is
a result of man's
Page 131
sewers and dumps--which tend to develop into 'open' systems. Conscious effort must now be made
toward closed systems that harmonize with natural processes. Infinite natural assimilative capacity cannot be assumed any
longer. Wherever and whenever possible, resources that have been turned into 'waste' should be recycled into the ecosystem
and be reused, either by present or future generations. For example, tidal action, nutrients, plant species, and shellfish
are one such seashore ecosystem.
It is fashionable to speak of systems analysis as an almost magical route to the solution
of many problems, and indeed it is a powerful and necessary tool. One must recognize, however, that the environmental system
is made up of a bewildering number of subsystems that often are only distantly interdependent. Therefore, the status of existing
technology does not allow precise definition of the paths of energy and materials passing back and forth between organisms
and environment.
In the order of priorities, therefore, it has been incumbent upon environmentalists to control first those
critical factors that lead to unfavorable alteration of surroundings, wholly or largely as a byproduct of man's actions. In
the Palm Coast Project, major consideration has been given not only to preventing impairment
of the air-water-land resource for beneficial human uses, but also to enhancing their properties as well. It has been management's
philosophy and objective to provide the public with property in a quality environment, supported by highest-calibre
engineering and design capability. To that end, many significant studies and action programs initiated at the inception of
the project have been carried out to establish the feasibility of environment controls on development.
The first task is to foresee a potential problem, then study the alternatives, and then establish a control. The below problems
have been studies, and solutions thereto have been proposed in a 'first generation' effort toward this new
form of city
A. Waterwater Treatment and Disposal
Study: A thorough analysis was made of Florida
regulations and policies concerning wastewater treatment and discharge of treated effluent into surface water bodies ( rivers,
streams, lakes, etc.) as well as into marine water bodies. Results of this study recommended 95% biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD) reduction in secondary wastewater treatment and disposal by one of the fol-
Page 132
lowing methods: (1) percolation, (2) spray irrigation, (3) evapo-transpiration ponds, (4)
chemical treatment and mixed media filtration, or (5) drainage wells.
Solution: Based upon these considerations, a tertiary
quality central treatment plant has been designed and constructed using the percolation or recharge method for disosal. three
beneficial environmental effects of this practice will be (1) to eliminate discharge into surface bodies and therby prevent
eutrophication. (2) to recharge the saline water table and form a fresh water baarier to reduce salt water intrusion, and
(3) to recycle waste effluent in order to form a reservoir of non-brackish water which will be a potential water supply source
for future needs. In all canal areas now being sold there will be no septic tanks from which effluent seepage could potentially
cause sutrophication in canals. A centralized sewer system is now being built to conduct wastes to the treatment plant.
Improved Wastewater Collection
Studies: Flat topography and high ground water tables necessitate higher construction
costs for conventional gravity sewers and pumping stations. Very recent technology indicates that two alternate systems may
be economically competitive, namely vacuum and pressure systems.
Two major analyses have been completed of an existing
vacuum sewerage collection system installed and operational in a Virginia Project. A detailed
study of the equipment, controls, and materials show that they are of a type whose reliability, length of service, and maintenance
requirements are well established. Reserach, conferences with manufacturers, and independent calculations and studies of construction
procedures confirm the expectation of satisfactory performance of alll elements of the system. The resulting diagrmas, bibliography,
and cost studies, establish data for consideration of this system on the Florida site.
Studies similar to those for the
vacuum system are currently in progress for pressure systems. These studies will be comparatively evaluated against gravity
systems in order to determine technical capital-cose, and operating-cost feasibility.
C. Wastes from Watercraft
A state of the are study was performed to determine the characteristice of sanitary wastes from watercraft, treatment,
methods available, and required treatment facilities. It was concluded that pollution cased by
boats has been only recently recognized as an important wastewater source in marine waters and that the most effective control
device available to date is the holding tank. On shore disposal facilities at Marinas are necessary for boat owner pump out
Solutions: Legal studies are now being instituted to determine methods of regulation of the following:
(1) prohibiting discharges of all wastes from watercraft ( requirement for boat owners to install holding tanks will be sought
in regulations of the drainage district); (2) wastes from holding tanks must be disposed of through on shore disposal facilities;
pumping storage, and disposal facilities will be constructed on shore to delilver waste to the central treatment plant; (3)
all other types of wastes such as litter, garage, oil, chemicals, etc. from watercrafts.
D. Pollutants in Drainage and
Stormwater Runoff
Studies: Studies were conducted to determine the characteristics of fertilizers (e.g. phosphates, nitrates)
that contribute least to nutrient runoff into surface water bodies. The ultimate goal is to prevent eutrophication. Specific
products were recommended which are capable of releasing nutrients at a controlled rate; these were preferred over the water
soluble types, which release nutrients at a very rapid rate on water contact. All available data were gathered to determine
the extent and degree of pollutant concerntrations found in stormwater runoff from urban areas. Data indicate that runoff
contains significant concentration of BOD , suspended solids, nutrients, and dissolved solids.
Soil erosion control technology
was reviewed with regard to minimizing the effects of sediment runoof during construction when natural vegetative covers are
removed and soil is exposed to water impact and scour energy. Alternative methods and/or practices are: (1) minimization
of length of exposure time for unprotected grades areas, (2) soil treatment, seeding and mulching, or mulching alone, (3)
interceptor dikes, (4) diversion dikes, (5) sediment traps. It was recommended that ll of the methods studies should be applied
to Palm Coast and incorporated wherever possible in design aof the drainage system in order to retard water movement as much
as possible.
Solutions: whereas conventional techniques have aimed at rapid movement and disposal of rainwater from
a given site, the present
Page 134
methods available, and required treatment facilities. It was concluded that pollution cased by
boats has been only recently recognized as an important wastewater source in marine waters and that the most effective control
device available to date is the holding tank. On shore disposal facilities at Marinas are necessary for boat owner pump out
Solutions: Legal studies are now being instituted to determine methods of regulation of the following:
(1) prohibiting discharges of all wastes from watercraft ( requirement for boat owners to install holding tanks will be sought
in regulations of the drainage district); (2) wastes from holding tanks must be disposed of through on shore disposal facilities;
pumping storage, and disposal facilities will be constructed on shore to delilver waste to the central treatment plant; (3)
all other types of wastes such as litter, garage, oil, chemicals, etc. from watercrafts.
D. Pollutants in Drainage and
Stormwater Runoff
Studies: Studies were conducted to determine the characteristics of fertilizers (e.g. phosphates, nitrates)
that contribute least to nutrient runoff into surface water bodies. The ultimate goal is to prevent eutrophication. Specific
products were recommended which are capable of releasing nutrients at a controlled rate; these were preferred over the water
soluble types, which release nutrients at a very rapid rate on water contact. All available data were gathered to determine
the extent and degree of pollutant concerntrations found in stormwater runoff from urban areas. Data indicate that runoff
contains significant concentration of BOD , suspended solids, nutrients, and dissolved solids.
Soil erosion control technology
was reviewed with regard to minimizing the effects of sediment runoof during construction when natural vegetative covers are
removed and soil is exposed to water impact and scour energy. Alternative methods and/or practices are: (1) minimization
of length of exposure time for unprotected grades areas, (2) soil treatment, seeding and mulching, or mulching alone, (3)
interceptor dikes, (4) diversion dikes, (5) sediment traps. It was recommended that ll of the methods studies should be applied
to Palm Coast and incorporated wherever possible in design aof the drainage system in order to retard water movement as much
as possible.
Solutions: whereas conventional techniques have aimed at rapid movement and disposal of rainwater from
a given site, the present
Page 135
being utilized in the layout, spacing, and geometry of the dredged canal systems and in establishing
minimum homesite elevations. (2) Shallow canal depths of eight feet were selected in order to maximize turbulence and
eliminate the possibility of stratification. Therefore, dissolved oxygen levels are maintained throughout the entire depth.
Operation, and Maintenance of Canals to Perpetuate Water Quality and Aesthetics.
Sutdies: Water quality criteria
for tidal canals are classified by the State of Florida according to use. They fall into Class III standards for recreation
and for propagation and management of fish and wildlife. The criteria governing these waters may be summarized as follows:
modern treatment technology required for all discharges into canals: pH range of 6.0-8.5, minimum dissolved oxyten of
4.0 mg/l; coliform bacteria not to exceed 1,000 per 100 ml as a monthly average; no substances toxic to humans, animals or
aquatic life; no substances causing deleterious effects or nuisance conditions; turbidity less than 50 Jackson unite above
background; and no damage to aquatic life, vegetation, or water use caused by temperature elevation.
An inventory of pollutant
sources into the canals was made. Since the entire water front area will be certainly sewered , there will be no domestic
or industrial waste inputs. Discharges and effluents from boats will be negigible . As discussed earlier under Section D,
drainage and storm water runoff is the only important source of potential pollution. However, design of the drainage system
has called for maximum water retention on the land, where major fractions of the pollutants will be filtered out and/or absorbed
by the soil vegetation complex. Rainfall records have been studied to accurately determine what will be the runoff volumes
and their relative distribution throughout the year. Likewise, the amount of fresh water flow into the canals has been calculated.
Pollutants loading rates were projected, based upon studies which have investigated storm water quality of urban runoff. Since
these published loading factors are developed from areas aimed at rapid movement and disposal of rain water from a given site,
they can be substantially lowered for Palm Coast becaue of our drastically different approach in drainage
philosophy. Both in terms of volumetric and concentration discharge, the study showed that loading
Page 136
rates are favorably low for biochemical oxygen demand, nitrogen, phosphates, and solids.
Regulatory laws will be sought in order to (1) maintain dissolved oxygen levels at pre-determined values by combinations
of natural and mechanical means; (2) maintain canal banks; (3) remove water surface debris, trash, oiil, etc.; (4) maintain
tributary area drainage system; and (5) maintain all drainage works,. Responsive and corrective action in relation to established
water quality criteria will be taken.
G. Sampling and Monotiring of Canal Water quality
Solutions: Representative
sampling points will be established throughout the entire system. Also established will be a periodic sampling schedule as
follows, based upon degree of resident occupancy:
Occupancy : 1-25, Sampling once every four Months, 26-50 Composite
sampling once every two months, 51-75 Composite sampling once every month, 76-100 Continuous sampling, recorded.
will be made of a permanent recording, remove-sensing, water-quality monitoring system at 75 % occupancy.
Preservation of Tidal Wetlands
Study: Preliminary site analysis data showed that approximately 4,000 acres
of project property are tidal wetlands, which comprise areas of great biological diversity and productivity. These areas
produce a wide variety of living organisms, from microscopic species to fish and shellfish, birds, and mammals. Many species
spend their entire life cycles in tidal wetlands, whereas others spend portions of their cycles there. Abundant species of
plant growth, which form the base for all animal life, are also evident.
Solution: NO building,
construction, or development will occur on tidal wetlands.
1. Preservation of Intracoastal Waterway Water Quality.
Available engineering studies, reports, and other records were gathered on the Intracoastal Waterway in the vicinity of
Palm Coast , relating to construction problems, erosion, and maintenance-
Page 137
dredging required within the waterway. Also, conditions of the waterway withing the Project
tract, information on spoil easements and data relative to flood elevation were documented in the report.
Earth plugs are used to prevent intrusion of sediment into the Waterway while canal construction is in progress. After turbidity
levels in the canals subside to low background levels, the plugs are removed, leaving no adverse effects upon the water quality.
Solid Waste Disposal
Study: Solid waste disposal has become extremely important on a national scale and ranks as
a forthcoming major crisis for our country. The projected polulation of 750,000
residents will generate approximately 1800 tone per day from waste treatment plants, residences, commercial and industrial
establishments, institutions, and construction. Alternative methods for disposal are: (1) incineration, (2) sanitary
landfill, (3) composting, and (4) recycling. Close supervision of the operation is needed for successful implementation
of solid waste collection, handling, and disposal.
Solution: Palm Coast will attempt to establish for control of
solid waste collection, handling, and disposal a franchise whereby strict operational control
can be maintained. Of the alternatives available, recycling is the most favorable approach, and plans are being developed
to encourage residents to segregate solid waste into glass, metal, paper, plastic, and rubbish components. Industries than
can create products for reuse from these components will be encouraged to locate in
Palm Coast , providing their design meets our criteria.
K. Maintenance of General Environmental Quality
A study was made to summarize all existing rules and regulations in Florida dealing with air pollution, water pollution, solid
waste disposal, radiation, noise, and vibration. The study then analyzed the feasibility of establishing legal
requirements for standards of performance that would assure protection of man and his environment. For the most part, these
formal regulations and requirements when adopted would be more rigid than the existing legal criteria.
Results and recommendation from the study will be incorporated as a model environmental performance code.
Page 138
L. Beach and Sand Dune Preservation
Studies: Historical records
of the tide information regarding hurricanes and northeast storms were accumulated. Historiclal Beach dynamics were
summarized, isolating the littoral drift, which apparently is to the south during most of the year and to the north during
the summer. These data indicate that at Matanzas Inlet there is considerable drift into the waterway. Accompanying this
report are the records on what happened at St Augustine Beach and Crescent Beach during the Hurricane Dora, along with storm
winde and swell diagrams obtained from the Corps of Engineers.
Solutions. Minimum building
elevations were set based on the data obtained. Aerial photogrpahs taken in 1943 were compared with current photographs
to determine the amount of beach erosion in this area. Dr. Per Bruun of the Technical University of Norway , at Trondheim,
was retained to coordinate this data and to make recommendations for construction in beachfront areas.
Efforts will be made to preserve and protect existing sand dunes. Indiscriminate construction will be precluded by setting
all structures back at prescribed limits. Recreational activities on the dunes will be monitored
to insure that vegetaive systems are preserved.
M. Tree Preservation
Sugdies: Vegatation on the
site was mapped and categorized into nine ecological plant zones: march, Marsh Edge, Beach Scrub, Beach Hardwood, Upland
Depressions, Bottom land Hardwood, Sypress, Upland Hardwood, and Pinelands. The two basic determinants for the function of
the various associations are elevation ( as related to drainage) and edaphic conditions.
Solution: Palm Coast has
been planned to save as much of the existing wooded areas as possible. Road grades have been set to reduce the amount
of grading and clearing required. Roads are staked out and specimen trees are tagged fro saving before any clearing work begins.
Commitment has been made to save a minimum of 50 trees per acre. Where trees must be removed, or where they unavoidably
die in place, replanting will begin as soon as possible. A graduate professional forester who is a member of the staff
will manage this program.
N. Species Preservation
Studies Plans are underwa to conduct a detailed stud of
the nature and number of existing flora and fauna in Palm
Page 139
Coast. The study will investigate such ecological parameters as ecological succession, diversity
index, limiting growth factors, patterns of movement, etc. Of importance also will be the evaluation of methods and
techniques to enhance natural properties of the land for those species which are most ideally suited for the environment of
wildlife preserves, refuges, and botanical gardens to be established in the Project.
O Preservation
of Natural Areas
Studies: A master plan was developed to determine the open space requirements , and all
other land use requirement, of the population that will ultimately live in Palm Coast. A species study is presently
underway so that the open speaces requirements of indiginous flora and fauna may be met ( See Section N avobe).
The establishment of over 15,000 acres of open space within the development which will meet
the needs of all species living, or projected to live, within the planning area. The preservation of large tracts of
open area in their natural state will be assured in order to retain the existing features which now dominate in these areas.
Air Pollution Control
Solutions: On a national basis, transportation is the greatest source of air pollution
-- especially the gasoline powered motor vehicle, which emits major portions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen
oxides. Fuesl combustion in the stationary sources is another lesser but still important source of sulphur oxides, particulates,
and nitrogen oxides. Industrial processing accounts for high loadings of carbon monoxide, particulates, and sulphur oxides.
At Palm Coast, the fuel combustion and industrial source components will be negligible, due to stringent control based on
pre-planning. The mechanism for accomplishing this will be discussed lated in the Industrial Pollution Control Section.
is therefore obviousl that transportation, especially in the form of the automobile, will be the major potential air pollution
source for which controls will be needed. Hoever, rapid technological advances by automobile manufacturers have made
exhaust emission control achieveable in the foreseeable future. Our contribution to control of transportation pollution
is to plan for modes of living which substantially reduce automobile use. This concept features plannin which emplasized
bicycle paths, walking distance to shop
Page 140
ping centers, boating to shopping,
and the use of electric minibuses. And, of course, low density in land use takes advantage of the air's
vast dilutive and natural assimilative capacity.
Water Supply Studies
Studies covering the water supply potential for Palm Coast development have been going on continuously
since the inception of this development. At that time, the consulting ground water geology firm of Leggette,
Brashears & Graham examined the area and researched all existing data to dtermine the ground water potential.
They have reported that the water supply for the area will come from three sources. The first is a water deposit that lies
within our property boundaries and would be adquate to supply water for the initial phases of our project. The second source
of water also lying within the boundaries of the property would be utilized once the potential of the first supply was reached.
Studies also showed that the Floridian Aquifer, which lies to the west of our property, would be adequate from a quantitative
and qualitative standpoint to supply the 50-60 million gallons a day needed to meet the demands of our ultimate population.
The investigation of these areas of water supply involved an exhaustive search of all existing data available in government
records as well as a sampling of production wells in the area. Actual drilling of wells was made in areas of high potential
so that quantitative and qualitative tests could be made in the proposed area of water supply.
Since these preliinary investigations were made, more detailed studies have borne out the exisence
of our initial water supply. Investigative studies and drilling programs are presently underway to finalize the quantity of
water that exists in our intermediate source of supply. In addition , more detailed investigations of inland tracts, where
hydrogeologic conditions indicate most of the eventual supply will have to be obtained, are now underway in order to locate
exactly the water source required for our ultimate population.
Additional studies were also made to determine if there would be any adverse effect by canal
construction on the fresh water supply existing in the area. The tests consisted of drilling wells in the shallow sands from
the tidal lowlands to a point several miles inland , and they were done to determine the water quality in this area. The tests
clearly demonstrated that the ground water in the area planned for waterfront developent was, in its natural state
too contaminated with brackish water to serve as a potable water supply. The construction of the canals has not degraded
any fresh water resources nor should it result in salt water intrusion into the potable water supply in the shallow sands.
A Note on Industrial Pollution Control
Industrial pollution, in a few words, takes three major forms--air pollution, water pollution,
and thermal pollution. Air pollution is represented generally by sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and
particulates entering the atmosphere; water pollution and thermal pollution occur when industrial effluent is discharged into
water courses. Our view on solution is elementary; pre-approve acceptable emissions before allowing use of land. In fact we
are leaning toward a land lease-only concept so that pollution control violators can be punished with lease termination. This
form of control does not exist, to our kowledge, in any city. As a corollary, open buffer zones and greenery zones to prevent
noise and optical pollution can be managed in the same manner. There may be no better way to control industrial and commercially
caused pollution in perpetuity that to own the land in perpetuity.
Without hesitation, it is acknowledged that portions of the Palm Coast cnvironment will change
as development progresses. Indeed, changes are inevitable in light of present economic, social, and material necessities required
by our population. However, rational committment has been made to utilize the most current and advanced technology available
in order to provide for the public a development which incorporates major environmental concern through every aspect of community
People are tempted to ask what is to be gained by investing huge sums in environmental control.
The answer must be better health, aesthetically pleasing surroundings, lower economic costs, and the preserved natural systems.
It is true that the relationship between human health and specific concentrations of specific pollutants are often tenuous
and that these relationships must be studied at a fundamental level. It is equally true, however, that as our population increases
and continues to inject wastes into the ecosystem, our ability to contaminate the environment will rise in like measure. Positive
efffects of health in this growth pattern cannot preoceed without environmental controls.
Ecological damage as related to man's perceptions and aspira-
Page 142
tions cannot be
measured. Yet citizens of existing communities are seeking better environments--in fact, they are unvilling to allow ignorance
and decay to proceed unchecked. Beyond noise, funes, and foul water, there is widespread demand for aesthetically pleasing
surroundings. Offensive odors and sounds will become less and less acceptable parts of the larger community of life.
Yes, optical pollution will be minimized. This form of pollution has less to do with soot getting
in your eyes, as it does in industrial areas, than to the aesthetic beauty of the community; the eyes sees the natural loveliness,
sees variation in plants, in greens, in flowers, in trees, Also diversity in the numbers and types of homes that may be seen,
all within strict low density criteria, and with a variation in profile to avoid monotony.
The Matter of Architectural Standards
At Palm Coast there are strict covenants and restrictions with regard to residenses. These include
strictures with regard to setbacks, lot size, building size, peripheral structores, fences and hedges, and signs. In addition
to abiding by thee there will be less disharmony in optical output than would otherwise be the case.
One could dwell in great depth on the criteria of architectural approval. Who should be the judge?
This is a matter for internal company taste standards and aesthetic sensitivity.
Going to experts on the outside is clearly impossible because the experts disagree with each
other. One thinks of some differences between Ada Louise Huxtable of The New York Times and the now well publicized Venturis.
in any case, Palm Coast houses will neither be as costly as Miss Huxtable might demand nor will they be related to the neonjunglephilia
apparently espoused by the kitsch-cathected Venturis.
In addition to health and aesthetics, the money spent to manage the environment buys cleaner
laundry in the backyard, longer life for the pain on houses, and less corrosion and btions cannot be measured. Yet citizens
of existing communities are seeking better environments--in fact, they are unwilling to allow ignorance and decay to proceed
unchecked. Beyond noise, fumes, and foul water, there is widespread demand for aesthetically pleasing surroundings. Offensive
odors and sounds will become less and less acceptable parts of the larger community of life.
Yes, optical pollution will be minimized. This form of pollution has less to do with soot getting
in your eyes, as it does in industrial areas, than to the aesthetic beauty of the community, the eye sees the natural loveliness,
sees variation in plants, in greens, in flowers, in trees. Also diversity in the numbers and types of homes that may be seen,
all within strct low density criteria, and with a variation in profile to avoid monotonyreakdown of electrical and other equipment.
It buys cleaner lakes and rivers for recreation. it buys, relief from annoyance; a speck of ash in one's eye, unpleasant odors,
yellowed foilage in the springtime. Inshort, the massive economic costs of pollution can be diminished given sufficient planning
and technological commitment.
Natural plant and animal communities form indispensable links
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in man's ability
to survive. In addition, they satisfy his yearnings for beauty and recreation. But beyond this, nature in itself has a right
to coexist with man--not just because it has utilitarian value to man, but because it is a Created integrity with inherent
glory greater than that attributed to it by man. This concept is beautifully expressed by Calvin:
Because the glory of (God's) power and wisdom is more refulgent in the firmament, it is frequently
designated as his palace...Wherever you turn your eyes, there is no potion of the world, however minute, that does not exhibit
at least some sparks of beauty; while it is impossible to contemplate the vast and beautiful fabric (environment) as it extends
around, without being overwhelmed by the immense weight of glory.4
In perspective, long-range environmental protection must consider the totality of the complex
interactions of natural processes. Cities of the past and present solved their environmental problems in an ad-hoc fashion,
one at a time, neglecting the strong, lasting interactions between the component parts of the problem. Figure a.
(Environmental circle showing many kinds of pollution and the effect on the total environment.)
shows in a very limited way how one environmental problem can lead to or cause another problem in a different but related
sphere of influence. This is true whether one traverses radially or concentrically on the chart. Superimpose on this two dimensional
scheme a third plane of flora-fauna and the complexity increases geometrically. Perhaps that is why lasting solutions to existing
ills have been prohibitively expensive or virtually imossible. Prevention, therefore, appears to be the only viable approach.
Solutions to the effects of man's actions must be ascertained in the planning stage and must be given priority in the decision-making
Psychosocial Pollution
At Palm Coast we persist in a design that is almost a fiat: 2.7 dwelling unite per acre. Thus,
as was earlier stated, we will have a city larger than Detroit or Philadelphia, with the density of , sa, a Beverly Hislls,
California, rather thatn the malignant densities characteristic of the asphalt and concrete hungle. Why? Because ultra high
density is cancerous. We are sure that many will quarrel with this statement, citing locales here and there where satisfaction
exists in spite of ostensible crowding. Mabye it is as Deeevy points out, 'the mass of man, although increasingly affected
with mental discomfort, do not see themselves as overcrowded.' It is better to state that we deal with probability of sociopathic
behavior. ( It is similar to the tnedentious arguments about the facts of cigarette smoking induced cancer--there is always
that irritation 'Oh, my Uncle Louie has been smoking for ninety years and is as healthy as a horse.") In any case, the preponderance
of psychological , statistical, research and lay observations leaves us with the same funereal conclusion' crowding is an
excrescense that society can ill-afford.
The psychological results of density--how does one begin analyzing them? The senior author is
now engaged in a monograph on the subject. ( Stochastic Processes and Density-Induced Deviant Behavior), and therefore is
aware that the subject is broad and that he can present in this medium only a few of the references. It has been in the literature
a long. time. For example, shall we begin the disquisition with Sir R. W. Rawson's 1839 (circa) seminal paper6 published by
the Journal of the Statistical Society of London? Or, jump about a century to R.D. McKenzies' "The ecological Approach to
the Study of the Human Community" 7 published in 1925 , which formed the basis of the Elliott and Merrill chapter
called "Ecological Aspects of Community Disorganization" (1941). 8 In that span of a hundred years, the observations
consistently led to what is still a fundamental inference--that there is correlation between socially undesirable behavior
and urban concentration. This "ancient history' has much to recomment it, for these authors' tocsins about the intensity of
compression in the city served as prolegomena to recent much quoted experiments on the same eubject.
First, we take the physiological side. We have Dr. Hans Delye's 9 pioneer findings on the stress
of crowding leading to endocrine system changes and enlargement of the adrenal glands. The findings of Ratcliffe and Snyder
11 are pertinent, too, inasmuch as in their mamalian studies they discovered that stress from overcrowding could subject the
individual to high blood pressure and heart and circulatory diseases. No doube the symptoms on both studies are related. In
any case, the organic sequelae of crowding have a firm experimental base. Of course, under not so controlled conditions, observations
are made by physicians in vivo , where they readily connect physical breakdown with urban -complex pressures.
If crowding pressures are pathogonomonic in the physiological sense, what are they in the psychological
or, better said, psycholocial sense? Here again lay observations are buttressed by science. For those of us who grew up in
slums, there were always to many people in the hallway; to many people in tenement apartment, too many people bumping each
other running down the steps; too many people in the sidewalks, jostling each other, even crossing the street; too many children
playing ball in the gutter; playgrounds so crowded...that your team might wait hours to play. Or worse. Four overlapping baseball
diamonds, with outfielders from each running into each other. a world of fighting for turf! A world of open air shut-ins!
When we were later schooled in the well-known psychological theories of frustration-aggression and frustration-regression,
11 we learned only what we knew already; that if you frustrate the expansion of a person's space world, it will lead either
to a form of attack behavior or to patterns appropriate to infantile character. Under attack behavior we often noticed family
fights, gang wars, irrational arguments in retail stores, overt purposeful subway harassment , taxi harangues, etc. Infantile
behavior was worse, if at times less identifiable: start insulation, unintelligible silences, easy crying, furtive hiding,
almost catatonic responses. A world of the depersonalized. Lonely crowds
Page 146
But enough of lay reports. The breakdown
in social organization attendant upon crowds has been reported in scholarly/scientific books and journals. Calhoun uses a
term, "behavioral sink," 12 in describig results of crowding beyond a certain density. The disruption of social functions
by crowding, he finds, goes beyond disorganization to collapse. Hall reports that the development of the behavioral sink in
the city may be unmanageable to the point where it is beyond the law enforcement agencies. 13 Ardrey's work, 14 centering
on the general term territorial imperative, is perhaps the best encapsulated version of the behavioral realities of the effect
of personalized space and the lack of it. His explanations of stress all lead to the valid conclusion that the fact of too
many people crowded into too smalll a space is a precursor of pathology. A most disconcerting note is sounded by Eyre 15 of
the British Association for the Advancement of Science, who prognosticates "swarming' as the pathological end point of crowding.
Back to the practical standpoint. The more people you have per acre, the more cars you have per
acre. Hence you have auto density and its attendant eveils. Then you have more buses per acre...more transportation glut per
acre. Yes, and the more information overload ( in the behavioral sense ) per acre. Add other congestive actions per acre,
which you much multiply by the same constand, and you have a statistical morass not unlike the major cities of today.
It is unnerving for those of us seriously concerned about environment to realize that, tomorrow,
if every form of pollution were terminated in the big cities--no more air pollution, or water pollution--the cities would
still be unhappy places in which to live. As long as high densities persist, cities will remain factories spewing out psycholocial
pollution, complete with their own types of congestive particulates and ash: tension, delinquency, crime, alienation, aggression,
Modality of Community Growth
If one were to start a truly new city--not a bedroom community--he would have two major choices.
The first would be to contact major industries and to have several agree to locate in his area., motivated by the physical
, economic and political attributes of that area. In this way, the nuclear community would have as its base
Page 147
the employees of the industries who could generate on a one-to-one basis commercial and service
personnel, e.g., storekeepers, gas station attendants, supermarket clerks, and the like. Thus one would have a second group
of occupants for land/residences.
One of the authors, prior to his present affiliation, had experience seeking such industry cooperation
in developing a new city far from any major urban concentration. A survey was made of a number of major corporations, and
the results suggested that they make the pioneer move to such locations because of the serious trouble afflicting existing
cities. Not one corporation ( and it is estimate that at least six are required to 'nucleate' a new city) found it practical
-- even in the period of good economy at the time--to support the idea, nor did any accept any one of the half dozen sites
suggested all over the country. Among the many issues, costs of relocation and difficulties convincing the employees to move
were at the forefront.
The second method is one in which we are involved. Initially, it is done through selling homesites
for phased ownership and occupacy. Because we are in Florida, our first occupants will fall into the vacation / retirement
category. These will then be followed by the commercial butcher-baker-candlestick maker service personnel mentioned before.
This , in turn, will generate a labor force worthy of industrial attention. At Palm Coast, given that labor force, the motivation
for industry will be strong because of the transportation benefits. Two major highways, I-95 and Route 1 go through Palm Coast
for about 20 miles each. The Florida East Coast Railroad has facilities nearby. The climate and atmosphere in terms of employees'
desires are excellent--particularly considering availability of recreational and cultural facilities.
Our rigid controls of industry, in the pollutant - generation sense, may inhibit its entry. This
is not a negative. Our ability to pick and choose is beneficial. Remember, there is no exigency associated with our acquiring
industry. Thus we shall have the right industries arriving without our sacrificing our rigorous standards.
Planning a City
Given the mode of growth, we confront the unhappy fact that even if engineering controls are
ideal to the point where physical pollution is zeroed out, the community might still become the quintessence of social gargage
heaps, amorphous in structure,
Page 148
malignant to the personality, monotonous in living rhythms, dehumanized to the
edge of anonymity, and unarticulated to the point of disharmony. Those whoe have read The Death and Life of Great American
Cities 16 by Jane Jacobs, saw chronicled in this already classic treatise some of the most monumental errors conceivable from
city to city, from suburb to suburt.
It is easy to say we are cognizant of the problem and even that we know how awesome it is. But
candoe forces us to admit the pervisity of the dilemma. This should not be surprising, because planning may be one of the
most stubborn problems the world faces. One knows from the start that all the problems cannot be solved, because the state
of the art is not optimal...nor will it ever be. Picture this: No Community approaching 100,000 acres
has ever been both predesigned and come to fruition. So, if nobody has planned anything of this scope, who can do it? We at
Palm Coast , however, start by asking the question a different way--how are we to do it? As a minute prologue, allow us a
couple of quick, simple examples.
Many communities make much of the fact that they have parks--nice green parks with quaint wooden
benches in bucolic settings. There is even a tendency to automatically equate parks with proper planning. But if there is
one thing that research shows , it is a park alone means nothing. It is where the park is situated --how it is related to
the dynamics of the community--that is significant. This is whyin so many cities a park in one area is haven for the flowering
of the human spirit, and a park in another area is a hot house for delinquency. So, it is clear that the issue is the context
of what we offer, rather than merely what we offer.
Suprise at the paradoxes in planning is not new. Many experts have pointed out that new buildings
do not prevent slums, just as old buildings do not cause them. In planning, thousands of items, big and small, are critical.
In a major community, little issues are no longer little, but are magnified; the size and arrangement of the blocks, the pattern
of traffic, the solution to lighting problems, the placement of shps, the development of recreation areas, the provisions
for parking areas and facilities, the location of churches, and the establishment of footbridges and vehicle bridges. What
we are saying is that planning, like any other essentially vital social science, is not something readily accomplished by
shooting the breeze over the hot stove, belaboring the obvious. It is not the bailiwick of pat answers and does not
take easy refuge under the umbrella called common sense. Nor should planning be the exclusive turf of the ivory tower theorist.
There are more planning theories than there are political parties in France. We have the homogeneous low density horizontal
Garden City concept. going back to 1898, which Lewis Mumford and his group popularized thrity years later. There is Le Corbusier's
vertical city where huge skyscrapers were venerated by his disciples as opposed to low buildings. Even today, we read major
articles about the newest apocalyptic city--the Arcology of Soleri, where rhaposidies are written to entire cities. Build
here in the shape of a two mile wide hexahedron, there in the shape of a 300 story cube. Which theory, if any, is correct?
No one can really say. Whic is even practical?
Even if there were a time tested concept as to how a city should be planned there still would
be no true "cookie cutter" for building a city. Each city and each local environment is different. There are different local
and state government regulations, varying demand rates, occupancy projections, demographic characteristics, different local
building philosophies, variations in cash flow and profit generation which lead neigher to easy answers nor standardization.
When to these are added the incisive aspects of site analysis, such as the physiographic and hydrogeological features, together
with maintaining ecological integrity and taking into account in digenous historical settings, one knows unequivocally that
the use of any "handy-dandy'" cooke cutter" would be chimerical at best.
To us planning is a pragmatic combination of researches into what has worked successfully in
other communities. ( Someone once said that cities are enormous laboratories of trial and error. This is true. The trick is
to profit from previous errore.) Planning, too, is observing the progress of your own program, and, as needed, making corrective
and essential on the spot reevaluations as it grows from development size to community size, and from community size to city
size. Planning is reacting with intelligence to consumer demand typologies. It is taking advantage of related disciplines
and findings in psychology and sociology. Add to this the assistance of those steeped in planning experience, who have faced
the manifold
Page 150
headaches associated with this challenge and have developed solutions, people who
have learned in the pressure cooker of practical problems.
How have we proceeded? presently, having reveiwed submissions from a variety of leading planning
firms, we selected Reynolds, Smith and Hills of Jacksonville, Florida. This was because they not only have the requisite direct
experience to participate with us, but their knowledge of Florida and the dynamics of its populace is unique.
Working closely with us in exhaustive studies of Palm Coast's requirements, they have generated
a program of planning guidelines. Here are a random few. As may be seen some relect material already discussed.
1. provide choises for residents in a diversity of living environments. Example: offer recreational
choices to residents, such as water sports, hunting, residential environments, such as homesites by the water, by the golf
course, by the meadow, bucolic enclaves; single and multifamily housing; work and shopping choices; etc.
2. Coordinate project programs for orderly development. Example: reserve sufficient land for
future potential land uses, such as commercial, recreational, and industrial, to satisfy projected demand of the residents.
3. Recognize interconnected transport systems as site organization dlements. Example: utilize
existing and new transportation systems to direct the orderly growth of future land uses.
4. Develop open space systems as site organization elements. Example: significant land features,
drainageways, water bodies, other natural elements can be used as a major framework for development areas.
5. Utilize terrain features as an aspect of physical form. Example: reflect the linear image
of coastal dunes and intricate mosaic of marshland waterways in development patterns of specific areas.
6. Program management of resources. Example: designate breeding areas for wildlife and indicate
botanical and forest reserves.
7. Formulate policies for implementing the comprehensive plan. Example: utilize land use controls,
developoment stanards, and existing legal codes and agencies ( air and water pollution
Page 151
controls, etc.) to insure
a quality environment for future populations.
8. Identify values of social significance to the regional character. Example: research historic
expeditions through the site and incorporate their routes into community open space and transportation corridors. Preserve
and identify historic sites.
9. Insure visual quality through the incorporation of design criteria. Example: limit the clearing
of on site vegation to construction areas. Set up machinery for aesthetic approcal of structures.
10. Develop and project the image of a totally viable community. Example: establish standards
for the incorporation of religious, social, and service activities.
Opinions of the Press and Local Citizenry
In any massive undertaking, the expicit and implicit support of the local citizenry is important.
We want the local community to know that we represent growth and development in the most positive sense. While it is pleasing
to report that our findings indicate excellent acceptance, it is perhaps better to report on an independent survey conducted
by the press. A sotry carried by the Associated Press ( April 26, 1971 ) headlines: "Natifes, land developer have mutual admiration--frendship
blossoms." Quoting reactions of local residents: "These people convinced me they are interested in total environment." "It's
fascinating the way they are going about their development." " A great asset." In another case; a donservationist queried
some of the local authorities. One County official stated:
...based on my 12 years experience in conservation, much of which was spent in administrative
capacities with the Florida Department of Natural Resources...I feel we are indeed fortunate that Palm Coast officials have
taken so many steps to protect the environment...
Those of the press who have been exposed to Palm Coast have responded for the most part favorably.
Peggy Poor, a renowned conservation writer, wrote for the Orlando Sentinel ( June 28, 1970):
Preservers Applaud Palm Coast...Palm Coast, the country's largest housing project , in Flagler
County, is winning kudos instead of kicks
Page 152
from conservationists. More than that, with long-range environmental planning and
careful study by staff ecologists, the mammoth venture may not ony set an example for future would-be
despoilers but come up with some urgently sought answers to pollution problems.
The Christian Science Monitor ( June 18, 1971) stated:
Water oaks, live oaks, and palm stretch along both sides of the main access road to the property.
In fact, trees have to be one of the most visible items on the property. In many housing developments from one coast to the
other, many sturdy old sentinels have fallen victim to the bulldozer approach to land development.
There have been many other positive reports. But while the community and media response to what
we have been doing has been gratifying , reality does dictage that because of the diversity of tastes and desires, we shall
receive our share of barbs. How else will it be if one does not provide Utopia/
Having reveiwed the technical and philosophical bases of Palm Coast, we do not feel an extended
epilogue is necessary. We do not believe that the Palm Coast approach is the only way to program a major new cit in America.
That there are other solutions to the new city/population enigmas is probably. But we know of no other that we can implement.
We believe we have anticipated to date as much as the state of the city building art permits. Tomorrow, if we learn more we
shall then anticipate more. Recently, the National Wildlife Federation issued a circular in which parallels to our own orientation
are evidenced, including aspects of control of industrial pollution, recycling, and encouragement of private landowners to
preserve wildlife habitats. There are two other recommendations which correspond exactly to ours, but for the fact they involve
matched federal funds for sewage lant construction and tax benefits for industry to move to the countryside. Palm Coast, as
presently constituted, does not need these extrinsic dollar benefit subsidies in order to accomplish the same objectives.
Indeed, many have spoken of massive infusion , not economic deficit with its requisite subsidy. Today, a person can come to
Palm Coast and for $ 17,000 can buy a house on a $ 3,400 homesite with immense
Page 153
availability of recreational
and cultural facilities, a decent climate, and the knowledge that both phaysical and psychosocial pollution are being attacked
and minimized through our efforts. This is what we are able to offer--with no massive infusion of federal funds.