There are several 'Agreements' made with the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs.
Poster Board sized MAPS exist in the Map Room of the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs.
Here is just a partial example of one of the 'Agreements' regarding the 'Reserved Parcels' , non - residential areas
acreage, a.k.a. 'Blue Lands':
Third Amending Agreement
This Third Amending Agreement is entered into this 9th day of October, 1990, between ITT Community Development Corporation
on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries successors and assigns, ( The Company ) and the Department of Community Affairs,
State of Florida, on behlaf of itself, its predecessor agencies and its successors ( The Agency).
Whereas, the parties entered into an Agreement ( dated April 10, 1974), a Division of State Planning Amending Agreement
( dated August 10, 1977), and a Clarification of the Division of State Planning Agreement Amending Agreement of August
10. 1977 ( dated June 28, 1989), regarding Palm Coast, Florida and
Whereas, The Company and the Agency have resolved the status under Sections 380.06 and 380.0651(4) Florida Statutes,
of all lands in the 'RESERVED' or undesignated parcels within Palm Coast adressed in Paragraph 16 of the Agreement
of April 10, 1974, and Paragraph 11 of the Amending Agreement of August 10, 1977, and depicted in the color blue
on Exhibit "A" ( Copy Attached) to the Amending Agreement of August 10, 1977 ( Blue Lands )