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Proposed Schools and Parks for the ' Palm Harbor Community '.

Below are 'handouts' that ITT Levitt gave each 'prospective buyer' to aid in the selection and choice of any parcels they bought.  This way, the prosective buyer was aided and could *choose* the parcel(s) wisely and according to the year of their need, the *location* such as near or adjacent to a Park or a Proposed School Site or for any other reasons the Buyers had.  The pledged Amenities and their features along with 'handouts' such as the one below helped in property/lot  selection.

ITT Levitt 'handouts' for Inducement to Purchase
This, alone with MANY other *handouts*, a massive WALL MAP also as in the Dr. Youngs Promo was shown

Readily seen above is the 'Core Area' as referenced by the Federal Trade Commission.  These pledged Amenities, their respective features,  locations of Schools and Parks were all inducements to purchase lots.  These Pledged Amenities and their features apply to Palm Coast, SECTIONS 1-19 as can be seen on the Florida Public Offering Statement Sheets.
The Pledged Amenities  for SECTIONS 1-19, include:
A public Palm Coast Beach Club oceanside with features.
A public Palm Coast Oceanside 132 room Motel with features.
Oceanside free form public Swimming Pool located in the above Amenities.
5 miles of public 'Palm Coast Beaches'.
Palm Harbor Golf Course with Driving Range.
Palm Harbor Golf Course concrete, block and stucco Clubhouse with panoramic Views and Vistas of the Palm Harbor Golf Course Waterway. ( The Palm Harbor Golf Course and all of its features was first known as 'Palm Coast Golf Course'.
A Neighborhood Park on Cooper Lane & Casper Drive Intersection.
A Palm Harbor 'Tennis Club' with features.
A Palm Harbor 'Swim Club' with features.
A Palm Harbor 'Yacht Club' with features.
A one stop Shopping Center for the Palm Harbor Community.
An I-95 Interchange.
Completion of St. Joe Grade/Road now known as Palm Harbor Parkway.
Intracoastal Pavilions for viewing , Bar-B-Ques and Social at the Marina /Marina Complex..
Intracoastal DOCK access at the Marina Complex.
Public Boat Ramp within Palm Harbor for Palm Harbor.
Boat Docking at the Marina/ Marina Complex in Palm Harbor Community.
Bicycle paths starting at the Marina; sidewalks for the pedestrians.
Underground Utilities.
Protection from a '100 Year Flood'.
Sewer and Water.
Comtemporary Homes with features shown in 'Handouts'.
One Membership for all of the 'Four Sisters' Golf Courses which were named and identified to help with Lot Purchase selection.
Gargantuan areas of Conservation, Recreation, and also Preservation.  Highlights can be read in Dr. J. Norman Youngs' and Dr. Stanley Dea's Publication :  'An approach to a New City:  Palm Coast'.
NO Building in the 'Tidelands' to protect Marine Life; careful development of the Dunes areas to protect we residents from Storms and Hurracanes.
Ample Water Supply studies for a population of  750,000.  ( remember at that time there were no water saving shower heads, toilets, hose bibs, appliances, etc so that means their calculations were low for that time.)

We will remain Stewards of this Heritage and Historical Resources hoping for a 'Certified Local Government' like almost all Florida Leadership Cities already are; hoping for a Museum like Flagler Beach already has.