Palm Coast Welcome Center Foreward |
This offer not valid where prohibited by law. Membership fees and rates for recreational facilities available upon request.
A statement and offering statement have been filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York. The filing does not
constitute approval of the sale or lease or offer for sale or lease by the Secretary of State or that the Secretary of State
has in any way passed upon the merits of such offering. A copy of the offering statement is available, upon request from ITT
Community Development Corporation. NYA--78-244. A statement and offering statement has been filed with the New Jersey
Real Estate Commission, Bureau of Subdivided Land Sales Control. The filing does not constitute approval of the sale or lease
of offer for sale or lease or in any way pass upon the merits of such offering by the New Jersey Real Estate Commission, Bureau
of Subdivided Land Sales Control. A copy of the New Jersey offering statement is available upon request from ITT Community
Developoment Corporation NJA - 1257 FL. Distances indicated are from the location memntioned to the Welcome Center. Each purchaser
should check the exact location of the property being offered him in relation to the Welcome Center. OAD-78. OA-40-171-78.
IF78-1010/ This offer not valid where prohibited by law. Membership rates and fees for recreational facilities available onrequest.
Proposed homesites registered with the Michigan Land Sales Division are not physically accessible and will not be developed
and ready for building until the Improvement Completion Date as stated in the Michigan Property Report, which is available
from the developer or broker. Recreational facilities are approximately 8-12 miles from the registered property . MI-78228.
Distances indicated are from the location mentioned to the Welcome Center. Each purchaser should check the exact location
of the property being offered him in relation to the Welcome Center.
The Palm Coaster
The Palm Coaster is published by the Corporate Communications Department of ITT Community Development Corporation for
Palm Coast property owners, purchasers and homeowners, as well as their families and friends.
On the Cover: Composite photo of firewords and Parade of Short Ships in main canal during Spring Festival.
In this issue of the Palm Coaster we are attempting to give our readers a broad update of activities which have taken
place or are in progress at this time. It is our feeling that as a homesite purchaser you should be well informed about your
community as possible.
You will notice that we are employing many photos since the old adage still holds that a picture is worth a thousand
The Palm Coast community is rapidly changing. Many new structures have appeared during the past year and more are underway,
such as our new shopping center, a new sewage treatment plant, a new water treatment facility, and the ICDC headquarters building
to name a few. Palm Coast is definately on the move.
Presently our plans call for the final phase in the consolidation of the ICDC headquarters to be accomplished by
August 21. At that time you should begin sending all correspondence and payments to ITT Comm. Dev. Corp., Executive Offices,
P.O. Box B, Palm Coast, Fl 32037. In the event you have to call us our new phone number is (904) 445-5000. Once the consolidation
has been completed you will find that we will be able to serve you even more effectively than in the past.
Finally, we hope you like the new Palm Coaster. It has undergone some major revisions which we hope will make it more
attrractive, informative and helpful to you.
Gene R. LaNier
Director Corporate Communications.
The Palm Coaster 1978 - Philadelphia Minister finds home-New Church in Palm Coast , Page 2 |
Rev. Marcus Otterbein
Six years ago the leaders of the Lutheran Church in America were looking for a pastor to start
a mission in Palm Coast, a new community just getting started along Florida's north Atlantic Coast. They found someone interested
in their own Philadelphia headquarters
That someone was the Reverend Marcus Otterbein, then field supervisor for an 88 member staff
of the Board of Education, serving the United States and Canada.
"I had just passed my 50th birthday and I was looking for something new and exciting, plus a
place where I could play a lot of Golf.," Pastor Otterbein said recently. "the opportunity at Palm Coast looked like the answer
to my prayers, so I took it."
Today that tiny mission started by Pastor Otterbein in January 1973 has grown into a church called
St. Mark by the Sea with a membership of 280 and a building of its own. "We expect to be self sufficient by 1980," Pastor
Otterbein reported.
The community of Palm Coast also has grown in the years since Rev. Otterbein came to the area.
When he arrived late in 1972, there were about 75 families. Now there are more than 1,000. And in addition to the 18 hole
championship golf course, there are tennis courts, a YMCA, an Emergency Services facility, a service station and a Yacht Club.
Construction has started on a shopping center with the first phase scheduled for completion in 1978 which will include a supermarket,
drug store and many other shops.
Rev. Otterbein and his family spent 10 year of that time in Plymouth Valley. Before that he had
served a large congregation of Lutherans in Chicago.
"My wife Naomi, got a job teaching at White Marsh Elementary School in Plymouth Valley and our
four children finished school at White Marsh Elementary and Plymouth-White Marsh High School," Otterbein said.
He added that his wife was one of the first teachers to take part in a open space program for
first and second graders in the Philadelphia area, and also rewrote the elementary school curriculum for the school district
while they lived in Plymouth Valley.
Otterbein had a job which kept him on the road much of the time and he got tired of traveling.
"I wanted to settle down in one spot and play golf and fish and do very little work," he said. Palm Coast already had a golf
course and not to many people "so it looked to good to be true," he added.
The Lutheran Church in America wanted to experiment with the Florida community by sending in
a pastor before the community had grown large enough to support a church. "The church leaders assumed the mission could
grow with the community until it became large enough to achieve the status of a church congregation with its own building,"
Otterbein said.
Although it looke like a cinch at that time in 1972, Otterbein shakes his head ruefully now as
he says: "if I only knew then what I now now...".
He was successful. The congregation grew, became a church , had a fund raising drive and with
the help of the parent church group bough three acres of land and built a church building which was formally dedicated July
4, 1978.
Looking Back, Otterein said: "there have been some changes, naturally. For part of the
time I was the only Protestand minister in residence at Palm Coast, so in the early years my ministry was to the community.
But as the population grew and the membership in St. Mark kept pace, I found my ministry shifting to the congreagation."
St. Mark chapel ( and the similarity in names to Rev. Otterbein's first name, Marc, causes him
some embarassment) is now standing room only at many services. "We'll have to start a second service next Fall," Fav. Otterbein
said. He added he's toying with the idea of a Thursday night service for families who want to have their weekends free.
As for Marc and Naomi Otterbein, they are hoping for an early retirement, probably in about two
years and 10 months ("As you can see, I already have started the countdown," Otterbein said) to a home they have purchased
in nearby Beverly Beach. "I now have 33 years with the Lutheran Church, which has an excellent pension play," Otterbein said.
Reminiscing about his years in Philadelphia, Otterbein said he found them "Very rewarding." He
particularly remembered one 28 month period "when four of us were assigned the task of identifying major groupings of interest
and endeavor, such s government, industry, and labor, then we had to identify the top leaders in each grouping and interview
them on their outlook on the future."
The four Lutheran churchmen then wrote up their findings under the title" "socialIssues
of the 1970's." Otterbein reports. "Their predictions were right on the button and I'm proud to have played a part in that
piece of work by our church."
But that is all in the past. Now Otterbein is wistfuly looking forward to retirement so he can
find time for that golfing and fishing he planned six years ago.
The Palm Coaster, 1978, Page 3 |
NOTE: The Palm Coast Tennis Club adjacent to the Yacht Club. This is at the end of Club House Drive, now
replaced strangely by a Hi Rise Parking Garage! This is in the Palm Harbor Community. Also pls. note the bottom
of the jpeg - Two jpegs' of the ITT Levitt Developer pledged Contemporary Clubhouse directly on the preent Cooper Lane,
This is the rear of it, taken from the PUTTING GREEN, directly adjacent to the Clubhouse. Directly adjacent to the Putting
Green is the 'Boat to Golf' Dock, a component we were shown by the Developer on the officialy 'Guided Tour' offered by 'The
Company'. We were also shown the location of the Parking Lot and the location of the Driving Range.
Four additional tennis courts have been completed at the Palm Coast Tennis Club adjacent to the Yacht Club, giving area
tennis buffs six courts with which to pursue their favorite sport.
The grand opening for the new complex took place on May 15. The featured event was an exhibition match between tennis
pros Tom and Tim Gullikson.
Washington Tennis Service, a tennis management firm oversees the new tennis complex and provides a tennis professional.
The tennis pro works withthe Palm Coast Tennis Association and has developed a complete tennis program which includes video
tape coaching sessions, intraclub competition, tennis clinics and other specil events The Washington Tennis Service specializes
in all aspects of tennis and tennis club management and stocks the new tennis shop with the latest in tennis equipment, clothes
and other accessories. The tennis shop, which also serves as the tennis pro's office is a gazebo located between two
of the tennis courts.
The tennis courts have been specially designed, using a plexicushion surface over an asphalt layer. The plexcushion provides
better bounce and playability. It is also more durable than standard tennis surfaces and less fatiguing for players.
All six tennis courts have been lighted for night play, and twenty-four metered lights have been installed . Four quarters
will turn on the lights for an hour, providing four sets of lights for each court.
Various types of memberships are available and fees for these memberships are available upon request. Members are entitled
to participate in all the club's activities such as private or group lessons, tournament and ladder play competition, special
tennis strategy sessions, and special functions. A reservation system to provide court time has also been established. Non-members
and guests of members may use the courts on an hourly fee basis.
The Gullikson twins, Tom and Tim, or Tim and Tom, and Leon Aragon, local Palm Coast Pro engage in post match conversation
at the new Palm Coast tennis complex. The Gulliksons are two of the top young tennis pros in the country, and recently appeared
at Palm Coast.
The Palm Coast YMCA- Community Activities Building |
This Building and Land was donated to US., tho' now houses FULL Parks and Rec., but no day care. |
For the Palm Coast YMCA, there aren't enough days in the month, nor hours in the day to provide time for all its activities.
The YMCA has a variety of programs for the area residents from oil painting to weight lifting.
A typical Monday morning at the YMCA begins at nine when the three and four year olds arrive for preschool classes. In
another section of the YMCA building Jarly Jackson, a 70 year old former acrobat, is teaching exercise class. After a lunch
break, it is "children's fun time." During this time there are also weight lifting classes in the next room taught by Tim
From 4-5 p.m. there is after school play hour for the school age children.
After dinner activities begin again with square dancing at 6:30. The evening ends with a youth rap session from 7:30
until 9 for the teenagers, and German lessons taught in the next room by Anne Russell.
All day people are in and out of the YMCA building, coming also to watch television, play billiards or ping pong. Also,
many organizations hold their meetings in the large multi-purpose room of the Y. In other words, the YMCA has been going non-stop
since its doors opened on December 11th.
The YMCA has various special events planned for the furure. One event will be a disco dance for teenagers. Plans are
also underway for a spring softball team.
There are currently 352 YMCA members and the number is growing. Family memberships are $50. a year, husband and wife
memberships $40 a year, single adult memberships are $25. yearly, and youth memberships are $10. Membership at the Y entitles
the member the use of the facilities as well as free participation in the many classes and activities held there. Non-member
must pay a fee.
This marks the first time in the Y::MCA's more than 130 years of operation that it has opened a Y:MCA in a developing
community. According to Dr. Robert Harlan, Executive Director of the National Board of the YMCA, it is customary to
open a Y in an already developed community of about 50,000 but "so far the experiment appears to be a big success."
The beautiful YMCA building and the grounds on Palm Coast Parkway were donated by the ITT Community Development Corporation,
which is also underwriting the expenses of the Y: for the next several years.
So if you're looking for something to do, stop by the YM:CA and discover the many interesting programs it has to offer.
You can see for yourself why it's a big success.
Excerpt from: 'The Palm Coaster', published by the Corporate Communications Department of ITT Community Development Corporation
for Palm Coast property owners, purchasers and homeowners, as well as their families and friends. Vol 7, Number 2, Summer
1978, p. 8.
"Get Lost" at the Sheraton Palm Coast Resort Inn - This is the Beach Club that was Developer Pledged |
Beau Baugh, a 25 year-old professional golfer, won the third annual Palm Coast Tournament of Champions golf tournament.
February 25 and 26, with a 36 hole score of 136. Baugh currently works as an assistant pro at the University of South Florida
Country Club in Tampa.
Gaugh fired a pair of 68's on the par 72, 6,555 yard course, finishing four strokes ahead of Jack Rice of Fort Lauderdale
and Mark McCumber of Jacksonville.
P{layed under sunny skies, the Palm Coast tournament was the final event on the Florida PGA Winter Tour. 1974 was the
first year of professional golf competition in Palm Coast. At that time, the event was called the Palm Coast Open, but was
changed the following year to the Tournament of Champions. The Tournament of Champions, previously played in 1975 and
1976, has grown each year with an increasing number of golfers and spectators coming to Palm Coat to enjoy the event.
More than 140 professionals, including seven from Canada, arrived for the weekend tournament. A large crowd of residents
and visitors followed the golfers over the course during the two days of play. Seventy-two members of the Palm Coast Men's
and Women's Golf Association assisted in the tournament as scorekeepers, marshalls, and starters.
Gaugh received a winner's check of $2,000 with $1,000 of that being donated by ITT Community Development Corporation.
Alan Smolen, president of ITT Community Development Corporation presented an elated Baugh with a ceremonial $ 2,000 check.
After the tournament Gaugh said it was his best two days score "in at least five years'.
Professional and amateur golfers teamed up for the pro-Am competition on Friday before the Tournament of Champions, with
the winners taking a share of the more than $ 2,500 in prize money on that day.
CAPTION: What's the Score" This was the scene during the Tournament of Champions held at the Palm Coast Golf
(Below is the Beach Club on A1A that ITT Levitt, the Developer Pledged )
"Get Lost" at the Sheraton Palm Coast resort Inn If you are traveling to Florida to get lost for awhile there are two
great ways to Get Lost at the Sheraton Palm Coast Resort Inn located on the Atlantic Ocean beach about 28 miles north of Daytona
Beach on the scenic oceanside highway, State Road A1A. The hotel is offering two package vacation plans for those seeking
a way to get lost. One way to get lost is called the Honeymooners' Paradise the other is the Golfers Weekend. Either adds
up to four days and three nights. The Sheraton Palm Coast Resort Inn is built in the Old Spanish Missionstyle, with coquina
rocks and nestled in acres of green , rolling lawn sprinkled with subtropical trees and shrubs with access to five miles of
beautiful beach. Each airconditioned guest room has double beds and color television. Honeymooners are guaranteed a room with
an ocean view. The ocean is just a few steps away. Also close by is the Intracoastal Waterway, which offers good fishing,
boating, and waterskiing. On the Inn grounds, there is a large free form swimming pool surrounded by sundecks. Close by are
two tennis courts which will soon be lighted for night play.
Just a short ride by boat is an 18 hole championship golf course, the Palm Coast
Golf Club. ( using the 'Boat to Golf' Dock at the Golf Course)
The Golfers' package includes unlimited play at the Palm Coast Golf Club, an electric cart, a gift package of golf balls
and a complimentary bucket of practice range balls daily at the Pro Shop. At the Inn, the cuisine is superb in the Coquina
Room or Cafe del Mar. The newly completed Beachcomber Bar, located beside the pool, offers the finest in mixed drinks and
sandwiches. Dancing and nightly entertainment are popular in the newly decorated Jon-kanoo Lounge. For a slightly different
atmosphere the visitor can also eat at the
Palm Coast Yacht Club across the Intracoastal Waterway.
Sightseeing is a must at nearby historic St. Augustine and Marineland, and Daytona Beach, is just a shosrt drive for
shoppping or touring. For the young at heart, Walt Disney World is approximately 98 miles away.*
The Palm Coaster, Summer 1978, pp. 10-11.
The First Baptist Church in Palm Coast has come a long way since its humble beginnings over a year ago. The congregation
has grown from seven members to more than fifty. At the same time, the church also outgrew its former place of worship --a
room in a model home.
On March 19, the Palm Coast First Baptist Church celebrated Palm Sunday in their new church building located on Palm
Coast Parkway.
The Sanctuary, which seats 125 was filled for the first service according to Reverend Shelton Brooks, pastor of the First
Baptist Church. The dedication was conducted on the 7th of May. On that occasion, representatives from the Florida Baptist
Convention were on hand to welcome the new Church.
The Sanctuary; is the first phase of a four phase building program. "We hope to start within a year on the second phase,"
Rev. Brooks said.
Sunday worship services at the Palm Coast First Baptist Church are held at 11 a.m. with Wednesday night prayer meeting
at 7 p.m.
Picture Caption: The New Palm Coast First Baptist Church.
The following mileage chart can be useful as a handy reference when visiting The Palm Coast area.
A1A 12 Miles
Atlantic Ocean 12 Miles
Bon Terre Boat Landing 20 Miles
PGA Golf Courses 1.1 Mile
Planned Swim & Racquet Club 6 Miles
Palm Coast Commerce/Industrial Park 4.5 Miles
Proposed Shopping Center 2 Miles
Sheraton Palm Coast Resort Inn 20 Miles
Swimming Pool --:Yacht Club 3/5 Mile
Tennis Courts 3/5 Mile
YMCA 1.2 Miles
NOTE: abbreviated caption above - used to show the distance from the Welcome Center Tower to the Swimming Pool,
Yacht Club, Bon Terre Boat Landing, the Tennis Club and YMCA, etc. (These were in the areas known as the Core.)