NEW SCHOOL The first day of school at Lewis E. Wadsworth Elementary wasn't all work and no play.
, all due for completion by summer, 1988:
A 7,000 square foot pool with multi-use facility, built by PCC:
Three tennis courts, two rqcquetball courts, three softball diamonds, two soccer fields;
A new $ 700,000 community park, designed for the youg and the young at heart, is underway on 11 acres between the new
Wadsworth Elementary School and Belle Terre Middle School. Financial Support from the state, county and school district made
the park a reality, helped by land and in-kind services donations from ITT-CDC and an enthusiastic public.
Here's what's planned
Two "play hills," the latest in playground design and equipment;
Extension of existing jogging/exercise trail;
Picnic area with gazebo.
The public will share the park with students and their programs, so it benefits many in many ways, the perfect compliment
to SunSport amenities.
And on and on Palm Coast grows.
The Band Played on The Belle Terre Middle School Marching Eagle Band's tuba player did his part at park dedication