Welcome to Palm Coast, Flagler County, Florida , U.S.A.
"Palm Coast", the Nations biggest 'New Town' - June 28, 1971 Click Here ....FR: Time With Partnership with CNN, Monday, June
28, 1971., 'Development and Decay'. <http://www.time.com/time/printout/0,8816,905263,00.html>....Time Customer Service, 300
University Drive, Tampa, Florida 33612-6408 .
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We hope you enjoy this experience by our recreation of Our Personal first hand Experiences presented here..
This Page and the following Pages contained herein are our opinions, allegations , and our own personal experiences
and we hope you enjoy our sharing and get a sense of place and a sense of History about Palm Coast - Enjoy
We hope you enjoy the Read -
Age: 4
Fourth Generation 'Pioneer' Family
Ashley and all future Ashleys' who can view much of the beginnings of Palm Coast, approximately 93,000 -
*106,000 Acre Slice of America, now largely only through just *Snapshots*.
The Largest Planned Community in the United States, the largest 'New Town', in the World! ( at that
time )- We've been informed that 'Brasilia' took our record recently at 1,000,000 acres - but .....we had it FIRST !.
(* documentation of size from Advertising/Newspapers are available or see pages following - Researchers can
ascertain and study to find out its true original Gargantuan Size - Thank you).