
Palm Coast Symposium
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First Palm Coast Symposium to Assay the Human Condition, from: The Palm Coaster, Vol. 5, Number 3, Fall Issue 1974.


Fall Issue 1974
Page two

First Palm Coast Symposium to Assay The Human Condition

From the very inception of Palm Coast the cultural aspect of its future have
been an integral part of the planning.

Palm Coast is a planned, total community. Land use is a balance of
residential, commercial, social and open space, with provision for
education, arts, health care and other requisites for a good life. As a new
town, it functions as a proving ground for new and better ways of doing
things, to promote better urban living, to improve the quality of life in
all areas of human existence.

One of the areas of extreme inportance with which a new town, or any town,
nust concern itself is the encouragement of cultural pursuits, the liberal
arts, etc. because they provide a special and natural way for people to get
in touch with themselves, to communicate with each other, and to get more
satisfaction from being alive. Without this human growth and interaction,
there can be no development of any town , any society.

Toward aiding this cultural growth, and toward fulfillment of its cultural
and social commitment to Palm Coast, we are staging the First Palm Coast
Symposium, Novenber 15 and 16th, 1974.

From the outset, Dr. Young has believed that cultural growth must be an
integral thread in the fabric of Palm Coast life. Palm Coast is a town of
vision and as such, we conceived the plan for the Symposium at the very
beginning of the planning process and we endeavor to make this type of
cultural expression a continuing experience in the future.

It is Palm Coast's hopes that the concept of the Symposium will flourish and
expand to become a national and perhaps international instituion concerned
with the human dimensions of contemporary problems.

It is envisioned that future symposia at Palm Coasat will bring together
outstanding men and women from business, science, government, the arts,
education, and the humanities and other sectors of society who will learn
from one another through discussion and debate. And each will contribute his
or her talents and experiences to a mutual exploration of the human
condition, contrasting established convictions and habits with the new ideas
of today.

Fundamentall important is not that final solutions emerge from the
discussions at Palm Coast but that the essence of the best thinking on these
matters be exposed, evaluated, refined, and applied to individual lives and

Dr. Young believes that great historical change is not the result of
inexorable force only. Great changes can come about because a few people are
able to articulate powerful ideas, thus generating new forces in human

The formal sessions and the accomodations will be at the     *  Sheraton
Palm Coast Inn     .  Attendance will be by invitation only.  The topics of
the discussions will include:  Human Nature and Human Destiny; Uplifting the
Underprivileged; Popular Culture and Elite Culture, The Universities:  For
What and Whom??

Panelists include William Buckley, Editor of the National Review;  Gloria
Steinem, Editor of Ms. Magazine, Harold Rosenberg, art critic of New Yorker
Magazine, Professor Leslie Fiedler, Chairman of the English Department,
State University of New York at Buffalo; Dr. Gunnar Myrdal, noted Swedish
social scientist; Sidney Hood, philosopher and Research Fellow at the Hoover
Instituteion, Vernon E. Jordan, Executive Director of the National Urban
League; Saul Bellow best selling author; Dr. James Watason, Nobel
Prize-winning biologist, Arthur Schles, Jr. two - time winner of the
Pulitzer Prize, historian and writer; Lionel Trilling, University Professor
Emeritus, Columbia, Truman Capote, noted author, and Dr. E.T.York,
Chancellor - Elect of the State Universities for the State of Florida.

The moderator of the sessions will be Melvin M. Tumin, Professor of
Sociology and Anthropology, Princeton University.

These are the outstanding Panelists who  participated in the First Palm
Coast Symposium are shown in the Jpeg above.


(* The Sheraton Palm Coast Inn was the one we once had Beachside and which
was replaced by development.)
An International Workshop on Quantum Mechanical Methods started the Symposia on March 6, 7, 8, at the Palm Coast Sheraton Resort Inn. The workshop was followed March 9, 10, 11 by an International Symposium on Quantum Biology and Pharmacology, and honored in absentia two time nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling, who is 77. Dr. Pauling won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954 for his molecular studies, especially in the nature of bonding atoms in molecules. He received the Nobel Peach Prize in 1962. Due to an unforseen emergency, Dr. Pauling was unable to attend the Symposium.
A Nobel Prize winner at the Symposium was Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, 85, who received his award in Medicing in 1937 for his studies on metabolism and the effect of Vitamins A anc D.
Another Nobel Laureate at the Symposia was Professor Manfred Eigen of West Germany, who shared his award in 1967 with two others for studies of extremely fast chemical reactions effected by disturbing equilibrium by very short energy pulsations.
The final event at the Sheraton was an Internation Symposium on Atomic Molecular, Solid State Theroy, Collision Phenomena and Computational Methods, which was attended by Professor P.W. Anderson, a 1977 Nobel Laureate in Physics.
Dor Lowdin, who came to the University of Florida in 1960as an exchange professor from the University of Uppsala, Sweden, is Graduate Research Professor of Chemistry and Physics. He organized the Symposia in 1960 at the conclusion of a Winter Institute of Quantum Theory Project. The Quantum Chemistry Group. University of Upsala and the International Society of Quantum Biiology are co-organizers of the meeting. Many organization and businesses assist with financial support for the Symposia.
The Quantum Theory Project is a joint program of the Chemistry and Physics Departments and the Graduate School of the U:niversity of Florida. It is a special research and graduate teaching project  devoted to the study of matter, particularly atoms, molecules and crystals.
Dr. Lowdin said"  "Quantum theory is important as a tool in many fundamentals and applied areas of physics, chemistry and technology. He added that in contrast to the classical mechanics, quantum theory puts the human being at the center of everything.
Since 1950 Dr. Lowdin has spent about half of the time in the United States and half in his native Sweden. A native of Uppsals, he attended school there and after three years in the Swedish Army, received his doctorate in 1948 in theoritical physics. His thesis was a theoretical study of electronic structure of alkali halides and their cohesive and elastic properties.
This was held at the Palm Coast Sheraton INN. From: The Palm Coaster, Volume 7, Number 2 Summer 1978, p. 9.